You Are About To Know

What Is

Holding You Back

From Being Successful!

You are

About To Know . . .

What is

Wrecking Your Relationships





Your Health

You Are About To Know


Biggest Enemy

Meet . . . . . . . . . . Mr.

Sub-conscious Mind


An Erudite Approach To A Healthy Mind

Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy

Past Life Regression Therapy

The secret to a jubilant life, filled with success and happiness is a healthy mind. To change your current reality, you need to shift your state of mind, your belief systems, which create your perception and your reality. Irrespective of your genes, your current circumstances, it is possible to create a brand new you. The road to evolution starts with understanding the power of your mind. At Mea Liberatio we help you to overcome all the challenges which behold your happiness and to put your life on a trajectory of fulfillment.

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Mind – A Friend or a Foe

Buddha said “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

Our mind governs our state of happiness. The world around us is a reflection of the world within. What appears in the external world is what is deep seated in our Sub-conscious mind. If you are financially burdened, then at some level you might have a belief that I am unworthy of being comfortable with money or there is a certain you, which believes in burdens and depts.

All these inner thoughts and beliefs are creating your life experiences. Perhaps, consciously you are not even aware of many of your beliefs and inner most thoughts. As most of us see our outer circumstances as just the way life is. Until, someone can show us the connection between the outer circumstances and the inner thoughts!

Hypnotherapy is the Fastest, Easiest and Surest way to bring this Awareness and Corrective thoughts which bring Abundance & Harmony in your Life.

Hypnotherapy is the most scientific approach to develop a healthy state of mind which can transform your life completely, filling it with happiness, joy and exuberance.

  • Stop being the victim of your inner thoughts and beliefs!
  • Let your Subconscious mind work wonders for you!
  • Liberate yourself of all the constricting inner thoughts!
  • Rewire your Sub-conscious mind at Mea Liberatio!
  • Contact us to resolve, all known or unknown issues affecting your Happiness.

Get In Touch

Your Life Can Be Immensely Blissful & Fulfilling.  It Can Be Turned Towards The Most Positive Direction. You Can Unleash Your Full Potential, Your Highest Good & Take Your Life To The Next Level Of Joy!

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